The 2017 Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat instructor lineup is unbelievable. Fire, tosses, choreography, tech, isolations, fans, and more. These workshops are going to test your skills, theories, and ideas about what it means to be a hoop dancer. There are over a dozen hoop dance (and auxiliary) workshops scheduled for the weekend. You do not want to miss this event! Spaces are limited, reserve your spot before it’s sold out!

MHDR 2017

One of my biggest goals has been to connect the Michigan (and larger) hoop community, not just on social media, but live and in person. While we all love hooping and do it whether we’re alone or with a friend, there is something special that happens when a large group of hoopers get together and share their skills. MHDR provides just that, and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of something so much bigger and better than myself.

Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat 2017 Workshops & Vendors


Missy Cooke from Lansing HoopsMissy Cooke - Hoop Dance Assembly

Hi! I’m Missy Cooke, your host for MHDR2017. When I’m not working on the retreat, you can find me sharing hoop dance team-building events and school assemblies all over Mid-Michigan, as well as traveling around the U.S. speaking about community building, and the benefits and how-to of flow arts. Email to bring me to your next event.

Sarah Woelfel with Supernova Hoops Sarah Woelfel Supernova Hoops

Sarah Woelfel (Aka Sarah Supernova) is the owner and operator of Supernova Hoops in Plymouth, WI. She is a Hoopnotica certified instructor and has been teaching adult and children’s hoop dance classes and workshops for 3 years. She has trained with multiple hoop dance instructors including Brecken, Sharna Rose, Rachael Lust and Sheri Alice.

As a hoop dancer, Sarah has performed at various events and recently performed as a RAW artist in Minneapolis, MN. She is a trained fire performer and performs individually and with her fire troupe, Beings of Flame. Sarah’s fire props of choice are the fire hoop, fire staff and some fire eating.

Sarah is teaching, as well as vending at this year’s event. She will have day hoops and fire accessories available for purchase. Get ready for our Friday night fire jam!

Jen Spiece from IMAJENation Hoop Revival Jen Spiece

Jen is one of our valued instructors, as well as a vendor. OLD GONE NEW!! Repurposing the old, into something new! Creator of recycled, refashioned, inspired, inventive, sensational designs. Jennifer Spiece is a hoopsmith (beginner, polypro, hdpe) and clothing and jewelry designer. A true hooper at heart, all of her clothing redesigns (and other fashion oddities) have hooping in mind.


Josh Ostrander

Hello everybody, my name is Josh. I’m very excited to share my experience and joy of hooping with you! I am a flow artist from Lansing MI and have been spinning about two and a half years mainly dual prop manipulation – buugeng and hoops mostly. I’ve had the privilege to have taught at a few studios and cannot wait to show you the combination of different styles and methods I’ve compiled from various people who’ve inspired me! Put on your creative cap, and explore the infinite possibilities of prop manipulation with us this year.See you there!

Meg Gaffknee

Meg was a gymnast for 16 years, competing nationally and internally before starting her hoop journey 3.5 years ago. She has performed at several events and taught hoop students ranging from ages 6-40. Meg dances with single hoop, double & triple hoops, as well as fans. When she’s not spinnin’ a circle, she is an HR Coordinator at a manufacturing company dedicated to environmental sustainability. This will be her second year at MHDR and she is eager to pass on her skills to participants at all skill levels!

Tylor Klausing with Monarch Hoops and Dance

Tylor is probably hooping, thinking about hoops, or making hoops right now. Maybe, eating a fruit salad saving herself, the planet and a cow. She has visions of choreography streaming. The Monarch Hoop Troop dreaming, of bigger stages. Writing the pages of Monarch Hoops And Dance began four years ago. Spinning up the next big show.

Workshop Lineup

Core Hooping with Missy

This on-body hoop class is great for anyone who wants to improve their core or reverse current hoop techniques. The class covers waist, hip, chest, and shoulder hooping. And, for those of you who are up for a challenge, we will also cover spiraling the hoop up and down your body, and pulling your arms in and out of the hoop while core hooping.

Even if you have a handle on these hoop dance ‘basics’, this class will still leave you sweaty, sore, and smiling. On-body hooping uses every muscle in your body so come prepared with a water bottle and comfortable clothing. Remember, bare skin grips the hoop better than clothing, so shorts and and tank tops are recommended.


Fire Safety & Hoop Yoga with Sarah

Fire Safety

This course focuses on fire safety for a fire hooper. We will start with what clothes to wear, what fuel to use, safety equipment and how to inspect your prop. Then, we will go over how and where to fuel your prop and extinguish it. We will also talk about the importance of a safety person and how to fire hoop safely. This workshop will help make you a confident and informed fire hooper!

Hoop Yoga

*Description Coming Soon*


Playful Play & Hoop Painting w/ Jen

Hoop Play All Day

Play all day with your hoop. Bring out your inner child with various hoop games. Explore your space with movements using your imagination. Release your inhibition as you bring out your inner child’s imagination while playing games with your hoop. Play skills helps move you out of your head and into your body. Your only this age once, relax and enjoy the moment. Games and activities learned from this workshop can be utilized for your own hoop class with kids or adults.

Hoop Painting

Splatter paint with your hoop in a contained space to create your own piece of hoop paint art. Supplies provided. Fee: varies on size of canvas.


Grid Tracing & Dual Hoop Isolations w/ Josh

Grid Tracing

This class will be teaching the grid technique and methods of application to make your spinning more accurate and to build a mental image of handpaths while spinning your props. This class can be given to any one on any prop, with the end goal making it so you the person learning can take this and use it in tutorials or in your every day practice.

Dual Hoop Isolations – Beginner

This class teaches basic isolation control and movements for transitions. Starting with one prop but by the end working on 2 props. The grid for accuracy and visual learning purposes.

Dual Hoop Isolations – Intermediate

In this class i will expand off the first lesson where you will learn the basics of timing and direction and also doing different hand paths with two props simultaneously.


Fans & Spins w/ Meg

Fans, Hot Damn!

This will be a very interactive course focusing on beginner fan flow play. This course will provide you with the necessary skills to begin exploring your fan ability and style. We will be focusing to enhance comfort in your individual flow style through demonstration and mirroring exercises.

Tricky Spins

This workshop focuses on palm/hand spins and body rolls. We will start with basic motions and build on them with more advanced techniques. We will work with different planes and movement through different levels. This workshop offers some tips and tricks for some smooth body rolls and how to make them “picture perfect” for those photo opportunities. Best of all, we will have fun doing it!

Burn, Don’t Be Burned

Simple and beautiful tricks to capturing the perfect fire flow while being as safe as possible! Safety is 110% my priority and it is SO important that is clear when playing with fire. I am OSHA certified and have several amazing tricks for safe fire play.

Soul Hooping & Amazing Throws w/ Tylor

Soul Hooping

Let’s hoop our hearts out to this choreographed and freestyle routine and lose ourselves in the moment. Expressing yourself and connecting with music is what hooping is all about. This routine consists of simple choreography in the intro chorus (repeated,) and ending. The verses consist of directed freestyle including: floor, directed formation movement, and divided into small groups collaboration. Be part of the first ever choreographed routine at MHDR!

Amazing Throws & Catches

This workshop challenges hoopers of all levels while having fun. Big throws are a crowd pleaser. Learn to feel comfortable letting go, find accuracy, and getting it high! I have all the tips for these individual throws that I have been teaching for years.


Cant wait to meet you at the Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat in August! If you have any questions, email  me at

Reserve your space today!

MHDR 2017